How to Make a Stencil with Freezer Paper

Crafting, in many forms, is something about which I am passionate. I feel so very blessed to live in a world of many beautiful and wonderful things. Arts and crafts is one of them.. One of my favorite things is creating and transferring images onto all sorts of materials. When something inspires me, I sometimes create a stencil to carry that idea over onto a project. I like to take a picture of something, a statue or nick-knack around the house and enlarge,shrink or otherwise manipulate it to use in making stencils and for other methods of transferring, such as using solvents and using gel medium. More than once (way more than once), my husband has walked into a room and seen me taking a picture of something, like a miniature replica of the Eiffel Tower, and given me that "she has lost her mind" look. You would think he would be used to it by now. By the way, graphics can also be found at various sites and blogs, such as ....