Hunting Island Lighthouse at Hunting Island State Park, South Carolina

Hello and welcome to Mimi Mine, my blog! As far back as I can remember, I have loved lighthouses. Everything about them is incredibly intriguing. The manner in which each is constructed, from the height, colors and shapes of paint patterns, is so diverse around the world. The location and history of each one is of interest to me. One of the boards on my Pinterest accounts is all about lighthouses from different locations around the world, including a few of my own pictures taken from personal visits and tours. If you care to visit my Lighthouses board on Pinterest, I am providing the link here . On a recent day trip to Hunting Island State Park, South Carolina , we had the privilege of visiting the Hunting Island Light. Though we had visited the beach on the island some years ago, we didn't make it to the lighthouse. Like many of these wonderful old structures, this one is no longer used as a functioning lighthouse, but remains open to the public. For a minim...