Fall for Fall

Fall is my favorite time of year. It always has been. It reminds me of a gorgeous and outrageously flamboyant and free-spirited lady who walks into an affair where the mood in the room has become sort of stuffy and stale. Everyone has become bored and is wishing for a break in the monotonous tone of things. Sort of like the devil-may-care Miss Phryne Fisher . Everyone stops and takes note when she makes an appearance. You just never know what she has up her sleeve or in her garter, but you can bet it will be something outrageous. Everything she wears is anything but boring. She truly knows how to shake things up and she does precisely that. That's how Fall is. It really does spice things up! Another reason I love Fall is that though my husband and I met in late Summer (on a blind date arranged by my roommate), our true courtship began in early Fall. We fell in love during the Fall of that year. Yes, we fell hopelessly and head-over-hills in love while Fall was putting ...