Victory Sports Soccer Season and the Blessings of Friends and Family

This past Saturday marked the beginning of a new soccer season for Victory Sports, the church league in which my daughter, Angela, her husband and their children have been involved for a good many years now. All three children have played sports with this league and/or have assisted in coaching the younger children for basketball and soccer. Angela does all the things that mothers of children who are involved in church or school sports activities do. Up until now, Jimmy, our son-in-law, has been very active in coaching the children for soccer and basketball. This soccer season he, because of complications and side-effects involved with his treatments, has not been able to coach. Shiloh Baptist Church is a sponsor of Victory Sports and is the place where all the games are played and where children from all around the Aiken area are blessed to be able to participate in the games and activities associated with Victory Sports. Angela, Jimmy and the children are members th...