Kitchen Christmas Tree A Closer Look

Here are some close up views of some of the decorations on my kitchen tree. There are some porcelain kissing snow babies that my Best Friend Forever, Harriette, made for me many years ago. There are many others from her. The red and white crochet candy canes and the white crochet angels were given to me by my only sister, Johnnie, who passed away 20 yrs. ago. I still miss her so much and it brings such sweet memories when I look at them. There are many plastic canvas ones that were made by my son-in-law's grandmother, whom we all call Granny. There is even a little heart cut out of construction paper with my youngest daughter's picture on it. She made it when she was in kindergarten and she is the mother of 2 girls of her own now. I made the cross-stitched Mrs. Clause pillow a long time ago, as well as the painted ornament of the house in the snow.This tree is very full, as you can see. It's not just full of decorations, but full of the love from each person w...