Happy Veteran's Day to Military Veterans and Happy 239th Birthday U.S.M.C.

As the wife of an American Veteran, I have a heart for all veterans. I wish to all military veterans who served in the past and to those who are now serving in the armed forces in America, a very Happy Veteran's Day tomorrow! Thank you for serving our beloved country and for giving so much to protect the people who live here and for protecting the rights that we sometimes take for granted. Happy Veteran's Day to All American Veterans Today, I am sharing a photo of my daughter, Stephanie, who is wearing a sweatshirt that belonged to her daddy many years ago, long before she was born when he was a "few" pounds lighter. I was a new bride. My husband, her father, and I were living in Charleston, S.C. He was stationed at the Naval Weapons Station at Goose Creek, Charleston, South Carolina at the time. Stephanie wore this shirt yesterday to church to honor her father, a Marine veteran, for Veteran's Day. Her father and I were both very surprised and touch...