Liebster Award-I've Been Nominated

Earlier this month, I was surprised, happy and honored to be nominated by two fellow bloggers for something known as a Liebster Award. From what research I have done on this blog award I find that the first stipulation is that the blog nominee must have fewer than 200 followers(like me). It is mainly a method, passed on from one blogger to another, for the intent of helping to create interaction with other bloggers. At least, this is how I interpret it. However, this interpretation might be a little loose and not necessarily accurate. Being a blogger has allowed me to meet some wonderful, interesting and talented people from around the world. I so love meeting new people! It serves to remind me that though we are each wonderfully different, we can all find common ground when we share some of the things that make us who we are. The first person to nominate me was the wonderfully talented Maria Nazareth of Maria's Creations at . This sweet...