Skillet Ham Frittata Recipe

Do you like eggs? We really like eggs in this family and not just for breakfast. We like cheese too--any time. Not to offend any of my vegetarian friends out there, but we also like meats! When it comes to meats, ham is a favorite in this household. We also like our vegetables and when we can have eggs, cheese and vegetables in one dish, well, it makes us pretty happy. A dish that fills that bill is the frittata. The Skillet Ham Frittata I prepared for us this afternoon certainly does. It contains dairy products, proteins and vegetables and even a fruit! I cannot claim the Skillet Ham Frittata is low in calories. No, I do not suppose a slice of this particular frittata is considered dietetic. I would venture to say, however, that a slice would be considered quite wholesome. It is not only wholesome. It is satisfying and delicious! Skillet Ham Frittata In addition to all that, all the ingredients can be cooked in the same pan. Any type of heavy stove top...