Hunting Island-Family Day at the Beach

When our youngest daughter and her family invited us to ride down toward Beaufort, South Carolina for a day trip to beautiful Hunting Island State Park, we didn't have to think before saying yes. My husband and I have been thinking for months how much we would enjoy a trip to the beach for some relaxation and fun in the sun and so this trip would be perfect. One of the things in life we love most is spending time with our family. We have been very busy lately, so this day trip would be just the thing. By the time all was said and done, our other daughter and her family were in on the plans, as well. That made the trip sound even better. One of our grandsons invited a friend along, as well. Eleven of us, in all, made the trip to Hunting Island. We all left for our trip early that morning and it could not have been more beautiful when we arrived at the park. The skies were a gorgeous blue and the weather was absolutely perfect for beach combing and playing in the sun and oce...