Signs of Spring

Thankfully, some signs of spring just happen without any help from or work by the neglectful gardener, with whom I shamefully identify. Except for the happenstance pulling of a few, and I mean very few, weeds in my yard nothing has been done to improve the sad condition of it so far this spring. I love violets and these sweet little blue flowers are among the first to bloom when spring arrives. Spring Violets I noticed a plant growing in my yard last summer, but could not remember what it was nor when I had planted it near my deck. It had leaves much like those of a Catawba tree. Some of you might know that the Catawba tree is home to a caterpillar-like insect called the Catawba worm. There are those who reside in the southern United States that think these little "worms" make very good fish bait. Well, up until I noticed this thing blooming today I thought it was a Catawba tree. The leaves are no longer as large nor are they shaped like those of the...