My husband and I were at Disney World last year around the time that all the Disney resorts had just been decked out with all the decor and finery of the season. One of our favorite things to do during the holidays is going from resort to resort to see how each has been uniquely decked out. We call it Holiday Resort Hopping. This post will focus on Disney's Grand Floridian Resort. A visit to the Grand Floridian at any time, but, most particularly during the holidays, reveals to the visitor why it is called the Grand Floridian. Everything done there is done on the grandest of scales. A visit there is like taking a stroll back in time to the Victorian era.
The spell of the resort is cast immediately upon stepping off the monorail system and walking up to the front portico. The resort hearkens back to the Victorian era and this period antique car is one of the first things to behold. Isn't it wonderful? It reminds me of the motorcars in Downton Abbey, one of my all-time favorite television series(can hardly wait for Season V, here in the U.S.)!
Antique Car at Entrance of Disney's Grand Floridian Resort |
Wouldn't it be great to take a ride in this beauty? I think it is positively gorgeous! The poinsettias can be seen in the background and are in abundance all around the resort.
Carriage at Front Entrance of Disney's Grand Floridian Resort |
This picture is one of a beautiful topiary with poinsettias at the entrance of the resort.
Topiary at Entrance of Disney's Grand Floridian Resort |
Once inside the resort's lobby one begins to realize just how magnificent it is. The extraordinarily talented pastry, bakery, confectionery and decorative artists of Disney know how to create things in a most "magical" way. To the left of the following photo seen beyond the huge bird cage, is one the most fabulous gingerbread confectionery creations that I, personally, have ever seen. It is an enormous gingerbread house and it rises all the way up to and past the floor of the balcony at its rear. The immensity of the lobby, combined with the fact that the house is far on the other side of the lobby, makes the house seem smaller in this photo than it is in actuality.
Main Lobby of Disney's Grand Floridian Resort at Christmas |
To see how much/many ingredients went in to building this astounding gingerbread house go
here. Following are several pictures of this awesome gingerbread house.
Disney's Grand Floridian Gingerbread House |
Here is another photo taken at a different angle of the gingerbread house. There is a toy soldier standing guard on the porch. Look closely and notice there is at least one Santa Claus in each level. Maybe Santa has some Santa helpers, just like in "real" life!
Disney's Grand Floridian Gingerbread House |
Look at the people standing above on the balcony on the landing behind the house. They serve to illustrate the magnitude of the house. This pastry and confection creation even has a chimney that blows smoke out of its stack! I tried to get a good shot of the smoking chimney but I am afraid this one is a tad dark.
Gingerbread House at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort |
Every detail of this Victorian beauty's construction is simply marvelous! I attempted to illustrate its wonderful details by zooming in on some of the things located on the front porch and on the balcony and roof above the porch area.of the house. Note that the house even has its own snow covered miniature village! A Christmas tree and other decorations and lights can be seen inside the windows. Even Old Saint Nick is standing on the porch!
Close up Picture of the Victorian Style Gingerbread House at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort |
Close-up Photo of the Victorian Gingerbread House at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort |
I am afraid the following photo is not very clear but I am including it anyway. It is a view from one of the balconies looking down on the front of the house. Another Santa can be spotted on a balcony at the very top of the house in this photo. The people standing near the front of the photo again serve to emphasize the magnitude of the structure.
I have an affinity for staircases(among other things) in beautiful places and I always try to get a picture of each, so as to remember its uniqueness and beauty. Naturally, this can be difficult because people are constantly going up and down the stairs. Here is the staircase in the lobby at this resort. I think it is out of this world gorgeous!
Staircase in the Main Lobby of Disney's Grand Floridian Resort |
The following picture is of the spectacular light fixture hanging in the main lobby. Isn't it amazing?
Magnificent Light Fixture Hanging in the Main Lobby of Disney's Grand Floridian Resort |
An orchestra often plays at the resort and you can see it in the distant background of the above photo. They play beautifully. Here is another picture that I took from near the front of the resort. I am afraid it is a little out of focus because it was taken from such a great distance.
Orchestra Playing at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort |
One more photo, friends. This one is of the exterior of the resort and was snapped as we were departing.
Disney's Grand Floridian Resort |
It is so very much in the grand and elaborate Victorian style of yesteryear and breathtakingly beautiful. I hope you enjoyed my post about one of the resorts on our Disney resort hop from this past Christmas. I hope it gives some insight as to why this magnificent place has been named Disney's Grand Floridian. Should a trip to Walt Disney World be in your future, it is well worth taking the time to hitch a ride over on the monorail and experience it for yourself. Everything about this resort is truly grand!
Thanks so much for stopping by and for leaving such heart felt comments!! You always make my day when you visit!!
I am , once again, playing catch up...