Fall for Fall

Fall is my favorite time of year. It always has been. It reminds me of  a gorgeous and outrageously flamboyant and free-spirited lady who walks into an affair where the mood in the room has become sort of stuffy and stale. Everyone has become bored and is wishing for a break in the monotonous tone of things. Sort of like the devil-may-care Miss Phryne Fisher. Everyone stops and takes note when she makes an appearance. You just never know what she has up her sleeve or in her garter, but you can bet it will be something outrageous. Everything she wears is anything but boring. She truly knows how to shake things up and she does precisely that. That's how Fall is. It really does spice things up!

Another reason I love Fall is that though my husband and I met in late Summer (on a blind date arranged by my roommate), our true courtship began in early Fall. We fell in love during the Fall of that year. Yes, we fell hopelessly and head-over-hills in love while Fall was putting on her show. I think it may have started when he took me to the county fair on a wonderfully crisp and cool evening. He showed off by playing every game and he must have spent his whole week's pay. He won so many prizes for me that we could hardly carry them out of there. They were really wonderful things that we don't see at most fairs and carnivals these days. I'll never forget the big black and white Panda that I am sorry to say I do not have today. It was such a perfectly sweet and wonderful date!

The first day of Fall, which was the day before yesterday, I fell again!

This time I really fell hard, really hard! Literally. That day that won't be soon forgotten. There was a mishap in my backyard in which I fell and it left me with a broken foot. What a way to start the season!

Still, I enjoyed the first day of the season right up until I fell. Early in the day, I had been out back taking pictures of  these Sunflowers, which I had about given up on once or twice after I planted them. These were welcome late bloomers, for sure, and have brightened up our yard.
Bee on Sunflower in My Garden
Sunflowers in Our Backyard

Sunflowers in Our Back Yard
We had experienced some lower than average temps for a week or so and it appeared they had stopped growing. Then the weather heated up again and they started growing quickly. Then the very windy conditions our area experienced from Hurricane Irma came through and blew many of them over and broke some of them off. Again, I feared they would not survive. I was wrong. Survive they did and made developed some wonderful flowers. I had never had much success with Sunflowers in the past and so I am truly thrilled with the ones that made it through to maturity. There are some that are a Giant variety and some that are not quite as tall or large flowering, but they are all beautiful to my husband and me! The blooms are all very large but this is one of the smaller variety. You can see the difference in the shape of the petals. Isn't this one lovely though?
More Sunflowers in Our Flower Bed

The color yellow is one of my favorite colors and sunflowers are some of my favorite flowers. On our last visit to Biltmore's Antler Hill Village, we were inspired by the wave upon wave of giant sunflowers planted in the fields. They were wonderfully romantic. I wrote about those flowers in this blog post  Here is a photo of my sweetheart and me taken at one of those fields:
Photo at Sunflower Fields at Biltmore Estate's Antler Hill Village
I took some photos of our Sunflowers later in the evening too(before my fateful fall). Those in the photo below are some that were blown over and are leaning forward. They are still gorgeous though.
Our Garden of Sunflowers

The flowers in this picture are a smaller variety as well and the petals are yet a different shape:
A Smaller Variety of Sunflower in Our Garden

I think they are all simply marvelous and showy. Enjoy some more pictures! Notice the yellow moth on the yellow flowers. Smart to camouflage itself on this bright yellow flower!
Yellow Moth on Yellow Sunflower
Sun Beginning to Set Behind this Sunflower
Isn't God good to give us such wonderful things to enjoy?
Sunflowers 2017
It will be sad when they fade away but I am hoping to get a crop or two from the seeds I hope they will leave me with. We'll find out next year, won't we? 

I hope you enjoyed my little peek into my sunflower beds and I thank you for stopping by to see what is going on here at Mimi's house as I am trying to be patient and stay off my broken foot! I am finding that more difficult than it sounds!


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