
Showing posts from January 1, 2013

Sour Cream Pound Cake Anyone?

The thing that I am most often asked to bring to family gatherings, church functions, bake sales and benefits is the humble pound cake. I love to cook and, when baking, I enjoy baking a pound cake most of all. It happens that it is also my favorite cake to eat. I have baked more pound cakes than I could ever remember and the cake I most often bake is a Sour Cream Pound Cake and this cake, which I baked today, is it. For a change of pace, I sometimes make a chocolate sauce or lemon curd topping or sliced fruit that can be added to each piece, but most people enjoy it just as you see it. I have come to realize over the years that it isn't just the recipe but the quality of the ingredients that count. If you would like to try it, the recipe follows. SOUR CREAM POUND CAKE Ingredients: 1 cup unsalted butter, softened at room temperature 3 cups sugar 3 cups all purpose flour(I use only King Arthur   All-Purpose  Flour) 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 6 large eggs 8 ounces

Waiting for Downton Abbey

Well, this Sunday is the big night. The one when Season 3 of  Downton Abbey premiers! I am so excited and I hope it is as good as previous seasons. Yes, I am hopelessly hooked, right along with a lot of other followers. Do any of my fellow bloggers follow this fabulous show? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Drop Cloth Chair Slipcover

This chair was purchased by my husband and I over thirty years ago when our youngest daughter was just a toddler. It is upholstered in velvet velour fabric from the late 70's. The frame, padding and cushion are all still in good condition so when my daughter wanted a nice, comfortable chair to create a reading nook in her master bedroom. I have made slipcovers in the past and thought this would be a good candidate for a slip. I started searching for some good ideas and was inspired when I checked in with  and saw the great ways she was using paint drop cloths to make slipcovers. A trip to Home Depot netted a pack of 2 for around $10. Talk about a great buy! Most of the fabric in the drop cloths were used on this project, but a lot of tearing of cloth, fitting, tweaking and sewing resulted in the chair cover you now see. My sweet baby daughter loves it.